Publishing in International Journals (如何在国际期刊上发表你的论文)


  报告题目 : Publishing in International Journals (如何在国际期刊上发表你的论文 

  报告人: Caitriana NicholsonChinese Physics C  Editorial Office 

  时间:20171214日(星期四)9:00 -11:00 


  摘要:Publish or perish! We all know the pressure to publish our research in the best possible international journals. But how do you choose which journal to submit to, what happens to a paper when it is submitted, and how can you improve your chances of surviving the review process? In this lecture, we will consider each of these questions. There will also be an introduction to the journal Chinese Physics C. 


  Caitriana Nicholson was born in Scotland, and graduated with a First Class Honours degree in Physics from Glasgow University in 2002, followed by a PhD in 2006, on the topic of distributed data management for high energy physics. She then worked as a postdoc on GridPP (the UK Grid for Particle Physics) and the ATLAS experiment, before moving to China. After a postdoc at UCAS, working on data management for BESIII, she moved into publishing and is now an Editor for the journal Chinese Physics C, based at IHEP, Beijing.